Thursday, September 9, 2004

About ZenYenta

ZenYenta, the blog - A personal blog about politics, society, family, aging and the internets, all of which adds up to life.

ZenYenta the person is a member of the reality based community. Her day job is with a not-for-profit agency. She has also created and maintains a few websites for fun and once in a while for money.

ZenYenta wishes to thank the late Todd Goodman for coming up with the name for her blog, although that was not his intention and it was some years before this blog was thought of. Taunting was more what he had in mind, but it was apt nonetheless. He would have been a truly great blogger. He is missed.

Thanks also go to Martijn ten Napel. The template for this blog adapted from Autumn Hues, one of the excellent collection which he has generously shared at his site, They're easy to customize, almost bulletproof, and can be found under the Downloads link at his site.